whether it’s family or the one you love, it’s TOUGH to make anyone happy without money. That’s why we’re all desperate to claw our way up to someplace stable… At least that’s my theory.


basic information.
name: Akiyama Shun ( 秋山駿 )
nicknames: Lifeline of Kamurocho, Mr. A, Chief
sex: Male
age: 27-38
dob: 17/03/1978
occupation: Former investment banker. Founder and owner of his credit firm "Sky Finance" and cabaret club "Elise"
eye colour: Brown
hair colour: Black
nationality: Japanese
height: 178 cm (5'10")
weight: 78 kg (172 lbs)

———— 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 is people he lends money to ONCE never borrow from him again.


biography.Akiyama was considered a golden boy when he was younger, one of the privileged youth who would aspire to do great things. He entered Toto University and graduated with top honours and a business degree at the top of his class. His talents were sought after and he was offered a banking position, which he accepted. He quickly became the top employee in the investment department. He rose up in the ranks and started dating his fellow employee Eri, and the two eventually got engaged.He was on top of the world for some time. That is until, abruptly, he was fired after being (falsely) accused of embezzlement, and although Akiyama was innocent, it was a losing battle as all evidence was destroyed. In his efforts to clear his name, he burned every dime he had in legal expenses, and with nothing to show for his efforts, was left homeless for quite some time. It's within this time that Eri had left him for the man who fired him. The truth of the missing ¥1,000,000 from one of his clients was collaborated by the corrupt police force, select members of the yakuza and the bank itself, Akiyama being made the unfortunate scapegoat for a sinister plot well beyond him. It wasn't until after months of sleeping on the streets that he finally got a break; in winter of that year he bore witness to an event that made headlines. An explosion in a private vault that left ¥10,000,000,000 raining down on the streets below. Gathering as much money as he could in that event, he started investing and trading stocks to slowly build a fortune to the point where, once he'd amassed enough for a business, he found his financial struggles well behind him.Present day, albeit being messy, lazy and lackadaisical, Akiyama is a kind person always ready to help people in need to the point where he commonly puts people's needs above his own. Sky Finance, the credit company he founded, as well as Akiyama himself, is well-known in Kamurocho for its peculiar terms. The company offers out its loans free of interest in collateral on one term: the client completes whatever unique tasks Akiyama assigns them depending on what they ask to determine how much they need the money.While Akiyama is willing to help them pass their test, he will not hesitate to turn down clients if they fail. That being said, he's not opposed to second chances either. All this has coined him the nickname "The Lifeline of Kamurocho."


rp account for akiyama shun of the yakuza series.
oc // crossover friendly.
21+ writer.
no lewd, but nsfw // 18+ warning applies.
⠀⠀⠀ on that note: likely won't follow back explicit lewd accounts.
multiverse // timeline flexible.
writer has played through yakuza 0-7 // not spoiler free.
ships with chem.
⠀⠀⠀ multiship, kept in separate verses.
tries to match writing style.
slow replies, but dms open!


studied english in university; has a fair grasp of the language for business purposes.
has a degree in both law and business.
neurodivergent; on the spectrum.
undiagnosed and untreated depression.
disowned from his family following the embezzlement scandal.
bisexual, although, his own orientation isn't something he's thought on much.
he has glasses for reading that he seldom uses (often due to having misplaced them).
surprisingly high alcohol tolerance for his stature.


work ethic and altruism.
There’s a stark dichotomy between how Akiyama portrays himself versus his actual intentions (thinking back to Yakuza 4, he’s introduced as someone whose intentions are kind of up in the air. Nobody understands what he’s up to, why he does what he does, because nobody can really be helping people with no legitimate payoff out of the kindness of their heart, right? Kamurocho’s known for its scammers, and anything that sounds too good to be true has no actual way of being anything short of another Kamurocho-tier scam).
He comes off as unapologetically lazy, but at one point of his life (and when he deems it necessary) he can be a hard-worker; that being said, he actually holds genuine effort to achieve one’s goals in high regards, being that he’s built himself up from nothing after getting that second chance at life out of sheer luck, and at one point was a diligent worker in a career he’d immediately have gotten the boot for being half-assed with.
He’s always wanting to help people, but knows that people can’t be helped unless they’re both willing to help themselves and put the effort in for it.
In his current line of work (money-lending via Sky Finance), he takes it easy because he’s feel he’s made it, and thus has earned that right to relax. The job ISN'T a necessity, nor primary source of income; he’s an entrepreneur outside of Sky Finance, fairly well-off thanks to his business know-how and took up the gig primarily as a means of helping people have that seemingly impossible second chance he had.
Following the unfortunate series of events that led to his homelessness, from being accused of and fired for a crime he hadn't committed, to his fiancée leaving him the moment he no longer had the cash to flaunt, to the justice system both failing him and stripping him of anything he had left, he'd fallen into a deep depression that remains both undiagnosed and untreated to the current day.
It's a heavy contributor to how he conducts himself (primarily in regards to his oversleeping, rampant disorganization– despite the state of his work/living spaces when left unattended, any of his notes and personal books are kept very organized, much to the surprise of anyone who dares look; it’s noted in canon he keeps all his books in his shelf so meticulously organized he immediately notices that they’re out of place after Kido went through them).
As the only son to a successful, upper middle class couple, expectations were high from the moment he was born. Likewise, reputation was of great importance to them; the scandal pinning Akiyama for mass-embezzlement, while blacklisting him from most avenues for work, was a stain on that family reputation. As such, he was swiftly disowned, leaving him with no place to turn once his savings had run dry.
high-functioning autism.
Undiagnosed. Although he has exceeding knowledge and ability when it comes to finances and his investments, Akiyama occasionally shows a lack of social awareness when it pertains to himself and those close to him.